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Why to consider safety options on the track! - Printable Version

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- bobt993 - 07-26-2009

I hope this pict says enough.  Why to have your visor down.  Why to consider Lexan windshield.  Why to wear a next restraint.  Massa was hit in the head by car debris during Saturday's qualifying in Hungary.   Cracked skull and recovering following surgery. 

- betegh9 - 07-26-2009

bobt993 wrote:
Quote:I hope this pict says enough. Why to have your visor down. Why to consider Lexan windshield. Why to wear a next restraint. Massa was hit in the head by car debris during Saturday's qualifying in Hungary. Cracked skull and recovering following surgery.

Geez! That's ugly! something to consider when I drive my NEXT open wheel and cockpit car.................. Safety is first!

Just think, this could happen in club racing............... but the rewards are too small for such a risk.

- bobt993 - 07-26-2009

Good sarcasm Nick.  Have ever seen what happens when an exhaust pipes hits a glass windshield on the track?   Ask Ed K about what it feels like to have a glass windshield implode into your cockpit at 70mph coming out of the buss stop.  

- betegh9 - 07-26-2009

bobt993 wrote:
Quote:Good sarcasm Nick. Have ever seen what happens when an exhaust pipes hits a glass windshield on the track? Ask Ed K about what it feels like to have a glass windshield implode into your cockpit at 70mph coming out of the buss stop.

No sarcasm!.....Now I'm really scared........... I never consider mishaps funny or laughing matter. The older I get the more scared I am. I guess that I am looking forward to retirement.............. NOT!

Oh! Kidding aside........... Getting more scared as we age, is that normal? or is it just me?

- George3 - 07-27-2009

I had my visor up at Lightning a few weeks ago with RTR. The Diasio has many openings in the footwell areas and the microscopic dust, sand and debris swelled up my eyes so bad, I had to go to the medics to get them irrigated.   Now I also wear clear safety glasses in addition to the visor being down.

- Darren - 07-27-2009

A few years back, I believe it was Chip, was driving down the front straight at Summit and a deer (not known for being particularly intelligent) ran into the side of his car at 120+ mph!  It dented the side of the car and the passenger mirror glass exploded into the car.  I remember him telling me if he didn't have his visor down that glass would have been in his eyes for sure!

I have a tough time with the visors and my glasses.  I fog up like crazy.  I'm looking to get a new helmet since mine is expiring after this year anyway, and I want to get one that has a lot more ventillation so I can keep the visor down all the way.

- Mike Andrews - 07-27-2009

It was Chip's car but Jack was the pilot at the time.....


Stuff happens inside the car when the shit hits the fan.  I have way to many stories to share.  I can not understand why people drive with their visors up let alone wear an open face helmet.


here's a picture of Massa hitting the tire wall....

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=981695&stc=1&d=1248645338]


The "G" loading is pegged and if his helemt isn't touching his steering wheel it's very close.  And that's with a HANS device.


All I can say is he's a very lucky guy.  This is a career ending incident and I will miss him if that's the way it ends up.

- ccm911 - 07-27-2009

You know, it's really strange.  I have thought about everything, BUT being hit by flying debris never entered my mind.  Seems like all the horror stories told in the past involvd folks going off track and hitting something.

But, let me play the devil's adocate for a moment.....what really are the chances of getting hit by a flying spring?  There sems to be a "herd" mentality towards the newest safty device every time we hear of an isolated ncident...

But with that being said... Money spent on safety is really money well spent.

- Mike Andrews - 07-27-2009



I hate to say this.. but I agree with you.


Well, except for the part that you've thought about everything .....Big Grin



- ccm911 - 07-27-2009

You know, Mike.  I always liked your old saying:  "If you want to avoid the danger involved in a particular sport, you could always take up bowling". Big Grin