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President’s Report on the State of our Club, II - Printable Version

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- Porshagod - 09-20-2009

I commend RTR's President and the Board of Directors for their diligence in uncovering, investigating and ultimately resolving the issue of RTR's Ex-Treasurer misappropriation of the Club's (Our) funds. Taking their fiduciary responsibility seriously, along with the additional work required, is truly appreciated.

Now that The President's report and the facts are in, I only have one question left:

Should the Club file suit against the Ex-Treasurer to recover any unreimbursed funds and legal fees and/or be prosecuted for his actions?

- Ccns23 - 09-20-2009

Where as I feel that the club should be reimbursed for all misappropriated funds and legal fees, why drag it out. Cut our losses and move forward.

- LouZ - 09-20-2009

Porshagod wrote:
Quote:Now that The President's report and the facts are in, I only have one question left:

I've looked for the report, and can't find anything dated past August. Please point me to the correct page.


- Porshagod - 09-20-2009

LouZ wrote:
Quote:Porshagod wrote:
Quote:Now that The President's report and the facts are in, I only have one question left:

I've looked for the report, and can't find anything dated past August. Please point me to the correct page.

The Presidents "Update" letter on this issue was sent out via email Friday.

- LouZ - 09-20-2009

Huh, no email! I need to check my address!


How 'bout a Forward



Got the email, thanks everyone. Need to correct National PCA w/ new email

- Porshagod - 09-20-2009

LouZ wrote:
Quote:Huh, no email! I need to check my address!

How 'bout a Forward



- asher681 - 09-21-2009

Dave, Graham will be addressing the membership & taking questions reference your post at the meeting on wednesday, hope to see you there... Joe Asher, Resentoter VP

- Darren - 09-22-2009

Ccns23 wrote:
Quote:Where as I feel that the club should be reimbursed for all misappropriated funds and legal fees, why drag it out. Cut our losses and move forward.
So you think it's ok for him to remain a CPA?

- ccm911 - 09-22-2009

Actually, if criminal charges came about, it would be highly unlikely for an offender's CPA status to remain in effect.  At least one would hope.

- Darren - 09-22-2009

Right and of course we're all talking about what has alleged to have occured, we don't want to be slanderous.

The social responsibility is to prosecute, clearly.  My understanding is that since the club is a non-profit that the state is taking over that responsibility and is performing an investigation.  So I think the wheels are already in motion.