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BMW Nürburgring School, 2-4 August 2010 - Printable Version

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- Phokaioglaukos - 06-02-2010

I just signed up for this school for the second year. It is absolutely THE best way to get to know the Nordschleife. Let me know if you can come too. The BMW CCA announcement is below.
There are still spaces available for the August 1-4 BMW CCA Nurburgring Driving School. There is an arrangement with Rent-racecar for a variety of track vehicles for those wishing to rent, and it may still be possible to get Euro delivery lined up.  Another interesting option is to ship a car to Europe. Compared to renting cars for your holiday, this is relatively cost-effective way to give your favorite car some real exercise. We have more information available on the logistics of shipping. 
Take advantage of the favorable exchange rate against the Euro, and join us at the incomparable Nurburgring!
Further details at http://www.bmwccaringschool.com/. Registration at http://www.motorsportreg.com/

- APXD 30 - 06-04-2010


I notice that the registration is states "co-driver."   Does that mean instructor or can two people share a spot for $1600?

Do you have some rental links that you could share for track cars like the Renault you drove last year?    Also,  Porsche has currently suspended ED due to the current economy and sacked some very experienced and dedicated folks in AtlantaSad

- Phokaioglaukos - 06-05-2010

I'm renting the Megane R.26R for the three say dchool (Eur1,700 plus fuel) from RSNurburg. Rent-a-Racecar would have let me have a BMW 330 for about the same price, but I've rented with Ron quite a bit and like his operation.

You can have one or two drivers in the car. I shared a car last year but don't have a co-driver this year. The per-driver fee is the same sharing or not, but of course the car and fuel cost is halved. For a first time school sharing is not so bad--the co-driver can offer comments and suggestions and can also see the track without having to actually drive. The Germans do not share cars it seems

If someone from RTR can get over this year I could probably be persuaded to share the car I reserved....

- Phokaioglaukos - 07-28-2010

Maybe next year for some other Riesentöters to do this school?

I'll think of you all at the Glen this weekend. Hope you have good weather!

- Phokaioglaukos - 08-18-2010

The school was great. Some photos (I'm in #144) and video here:

Pictures: http://www.asphalte.ch/Circuits/NSchleife4/IBFP0.html

Video: http://www.asphalte.ch/Circuits/NSchleife4/IBF1.html

The video is from a a well-driven Porsche in my group.