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Buying Habits of Ferrari Owners - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 02-10-2007

This came up on Rennlist and I just had to pass it along.


Go to feedback and check out the last item he bought.

I guess what they say about Ferrari owners must be true. Wink Big Grin

- Brian Minkin - 02-10-2007

Love the disclaimer by the seller in the item description. 

- Wellardmac - 02-10-2007

That's pretty funny, I hadn't noticed that the first time. Smile

- Tony356993 - 02-11-2007

Very funny. I'll take a 599 GTB - and a pump Smile

- APXD 30 - 02-12-2007

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:This came up on Rennlist and I just had to pass it along.


Go to feedback and check out the last item he bought.

I guess what they say about Ferrari owners must be true. Wink Big Grin
That is great! However, I wonder how you had the time to find this Wayne.

- Wellardmac - 02-12-2007

I found it posted in a thread on Rennlist.... after 9am I get a little time to surf and relax. Smile

- smankow - 02-12-2007

I thought that maybe it was your "alias" since the seller is from New England Big Grin

- Wellardmac - 02-12-2007

Connecticut is a suburb of New York.

New England Is really just Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine.

Vermont is just a pretender that has nothing else to do other than make maple syrup. Wink

Bob Kraft was jusst taunting Connecticut when he threatened to more the Patriots there. Big Grin

- Wally - 02-13-2007

Whats that make Rhode Island?  The ass that has a MASSive pimple

on it?Big GrinBig Grin

- Wellardmac - 02-13-2007

Obviously RI is so memorable that most New Englanders don't even think about them.... isn't RI where old people go to die? Wink