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Summit Point Challenge - Printable Version

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- STEVEMCMORN - 10-16-2011

Next weekend when y'all are down at Summit, have a look how fast you are hitting the apex at Turn 4

if it is slower than 100mph, you not going as fast as a 101 hp, naturally aspirated 1.6l 1993 hair dressers car!

No pressure!


- Phokaioglaukos - 10-16-2011


- STEVEMCMORN - 10-16-2011

Braking too much at each corner then relying on your 400+ hp is silly ....... I look forward to seeing your data.............Big Grin

- ninjabones - 10-17-2011

Quote: ....... I look forward to seeing your data.............Big Grin
Stevo.... I think you should be more interested in seeing the data from the 27 miatas that finished in front of you that dayConfusedhock: Snap.

- STEVEMCMORN - 10-17-2011

ninjabones wrote:
Quote:STEVEMCMORN wrote:
Quote: ....... I look forward to seeing your data.............Big Grin
Stevo.... I think you should be more interested in seeing the data from the 27 miatas that finished in front of you that dayConfusedhock: Snap.

Oh that hurts ..................... but it was actually 14!

in this, my 3rd SSM miata race, I qualified 12/42 ...... and finished 15th - not bad for my 3rd ever race. Remember miata racing is not like PCA ........ the cars are sealed and (mostly) identical ....... you cant buy success and class wins with extra aero, gear ratio mods or engine rebuilds.

Remind me how you did in your last miata race ...... in the same car ...... was it a turn 1 muddy DNF or when you ran out of fuel??

..........and WTF does snap mean??

- KennyB - 10-17-2011


Nice progression thru the laps.  With another 7 laps, you could get to 105!

Looks like fun.  We won't discuss my own first race, but maybe by the third I'll have something to report.

- AMoore - 10-17-2011

Quote:Next weekend when y'all are down at Summit, have a look how fast you are hitting the apex at Turn 4

if it is slower than 100mph, you not going as fast as a 101 hp, naturally aspirated 1.6l 1993 hair dressers car!

No pressure!

Looking down while apexing at 100 mph? Do we teach that? Just kidding Steve - Congratz on the progress.

- ninjabones - 10-17-2011

edited (we'll pick up the smack-talking in the Spring)

- STEVEMCMORN - 10-18-2011

ninjabones wrote:
Quote:edited (we'll pick up the smack-talking in the Spring)

Thanks to Glen for not mentioning the "leg dry humping" incident...... :-)

- STEVEMCMORN - 10-18-2011


if you accidentally crash at turn 4 trying to go faster than a 101 hp girls car, dont hold me responsible. All motor sport is dangerous and participation is at your own risk, especially when you have a fast car and no talent

Hope to see you all next Monday