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Who is driving this silver Cayman? - Printable Version

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- arena - 12-16-2011

Because he's a beast!!  Big GrinBig Grin



- bobt993 - 12-17-2011

Charlie Bellaurdo.  I worked with him at Tbolt early in the year.  He is a good driver. We tweaked his drifting of the car and he picked up a second a lap.

- arena - 12-17-2011

"tweaked his drifting"??

Meaning he was losing time by hanging the tail out too much in turns?

- bobt993 - 12-17-2011

Slip angle. After spending ($$) enough seat time with a pro coach, I learned to find the cars slip angle and when to apply throttle. Teaching to roll into corners allowing more grip before throttle transition is key to finding the last second in a car. Charlie and I spent a day at Tbolt working on this. Ironically, he was on old tires that day (last seasons scrubs) and had me in the car (210 lbs), but actually put down his fastest lap ever in the car. It was a bit funny because Pete Tremper was there and cursed me out in jest. (Pete races against Charlie). Having someone in the right seat is much cheaper than dumping more money into the car. He is at the top of his race class and was looking for just a bit more time. It was great to be able to work with him on that.

- Lainey - 12-17-2011

Charlie is a super nice guy.... runs with Schattenbaum and Jersey Shore PCA. His silver CS is prepped by Mike Bavaro and Bodymotion Racing...

- pearlcoupeg35 - 12-22-2011

Body Motion Racing = LEGIT



- arena - 12-22-2011

Jon- who took that picture of your car? Can I see the high-res version?

- pearlcoupeg35 - 12-22-2011

arena wrote:
Quote:Jon- who took that picture of your car? Can I see the high-res version?

the picture that i am using in my avatar is an image i found online - not my actual car but looks exactly like it Wink

- arena - 01-03-2012

lol nice...