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Water and coolant mixing together - Printable Version

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- Darrell Jennings - 08-17-2012

I have a 2001 C2 cabriolet with about 100,000 miles that has a problem.  It's been a bullet proof car since new, but last month I spent a lot to replace an oil separator and to flush out the cooling system.  Now a month later I still have oil in the coolant and Thompson service is telling me that it is either: (A) a bad oil cooler, (B) leaking "frost" plugs, © a bad head gasket which they say means an engine rebuild, or (D) a cracked cylinder or block meaning a new engine.

To check the oil cooler they want $900, plus another $500 if that's what's wrong, but I'm concerned about throwing more money at it if it in fact is a major engine problem that costs more to fix than the car is worth. 

Any suggestions on great mechanics that might give a second opinion or other options Thompson's not thinking of?

- michael lang - 08-18-2012

Have you done a search/posted on Pelican Parts or Rennlist? A much broader 996 crowd on those two which increases your chances of someone having the same or similar issue.
I don't know that shop but what can it hurt to have someone else take a look. One of two things will happen. 1.you will find out if what your are already being told is correct 2.you will find out that the 2nd shop will recommend that the car return to the original shop for them to fix their comeback.

- ccm911 - 08-20-2012

I would try to avoid the dealer on this one if I were you. Michael is correct in the Pelican or Rennlist may be better equipped to answer your enquiry.

And yes, I would be totally hesitant to spend $900 for a diagnosis.

- MylesD55 - 08-21-2012


Option C and D will probably cost you $10K to $15K.  Hopefully it's neither of those, because as you point out the car becomes almost worthless.

I've replaced the oil/water cooler in my 02.  The cooler costs $165 and it took me 3 hours to replace (but I already had the trans out). To get at it without the trans out, the intake manifold on the passenger side needs to come off, which is a PITA.  $900 plus $500 seems excessive even at the dealer rates. 

When the oil/air separator went bad did the oil and antifreeze mix?  There is a lot of antifreeze in the system, and with the coolers in the front it is difficult to get all of the antifreeze out. 

I'd be glad to swing by and take a look at it for you. 


- Phokaioglaukos - 08-21-2012

If you have any doubt, TAKE MYLES UP ON HIS OFFER. He is very knowledgeable and I am always happy to have his advice.