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Twilight HPDE and S - Printable Version

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- gomrf - 08-27-2012

Thank you for allowing the posting for Instructors needed at Pocono September 8th.

MRF is hosting the first ever Twilight HPDE at Pocono Raceway on Saturday, September 8th.  This is a charity event.

The event will run on the North Course and lighting is being provided for most of the course. The gates will open at 4:00 pm and last Instructed group will end around 10:30pm. This event is structured as a typical HPDE. For more information please visit http://www.gomrf.motorsportreg.com 

We need a few more Instructors to keep a 1:1 ratio.  We have limited the Student Run Group (Green/Yellow) to only 25.

Instructors run at No Charge, Free!  Dinner and shirts are included.

Solo group is still open. We currently have about 70 cars with 19 Porsche's already signed up! The Grand Am Audi R8 of Limitless Racing will be there.  Should be Fun!

Any help Riesentoter Instructors can provide is greatly appreciated!

Thanks again, Scott