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Free manual for DE instructors by Ross Bentley - Printable Version

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Free manual for DE instructors by Ross Bentley - Phokaioglaukos - 01-03-2014

Copied here from post on Rennlist by Ross Bentley (not me!):

I've written an eBook that I'm giving away for free - it's called The HPDE Instructor Manifesto. I wanted those of you who instruct - or are thinking about instructing - to know that it's available.

You can download it for free HERE.

I'm giving it away for free for two reasons:

1. I appreciate what instructors do for our sport. They're the ones who make a difference with the new people coming into our sport - they can make the difference between these new people coming back for more, or going to play golf! So, giving it away is my way of saying thanks.

2. By making it free, there's no reason for someone not to read it. And there are more than a few instructors out there that want or need help. I'd like to help them.

The only thing I'm asking is that people don't share the copy that they downloaded - I want each individual to download their own copy. One thing I regret about my Speed Secrets books is that I don't know who has them. I have no way of knowing who my readers are, so I can't ask for feedback, and I can't encourage the community to share and grow. That's why I'm asking individuals to download their own copy - perhaps at some point in the future I'll be able to update it based on the feedback I get from those who download it.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in the eBook, please let them know.

Thanks. Have fun!

RE: Free manual for DE instructors by Ross Bentley - STEVEMCMORN - 01-03-2014
