Riesentöter Forums
Lap-A-Thon - Printable Version

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- Bill Moffitt - 08-09-2006

Here's your chance to hit up the family next door who keeps sending their kids over to your house for the latest fundraiser. Our very own fundraiser: The Lap-A-Thon!!!! It's probably not what most of you are thinking. Raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation by gathering sponsors for each lap you complete at this year's Pocono/Make-A-Wish weekend. Hit the neighbors, get the guy in the office next yours who has 4 girl scouts or the woman with 5 dogs who attends every Paw Parade known to man. It will be fun and every little bit helps the cause. Remember: it's those little grains of sand that make a beach.

Figure 15 to 18 laps per session

I can email a pledge sheet to whoever wants one.  Just send me your email address.