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Registration opens 4/17 for Zone 1 PCA at the Glen - Printable Version

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- Phokaioglaukos - 04-11-2007

Applications should be postmarked on Tuesday, April 17th. Get the application here: http://zone1.pca.org/fillin%2048hrs%20Application%20Form%202007.pdf

I attended last year for the first time and found it to be a fun, social event with lots of cars from the whole zone. The driving was variable--some drivers seem to do this event only and are not as proficient as the crew we regularly see. It certainly helped me with my traffic management skills, though. Any day at the Glen is a good day, though. Friday is the instructor day and Saturday and Sunday are for the rest of us.

- Tony356993 - 04-11-2007

Sharon and I will be there.

- Phokaioglaukos - 04-11-2007

Good to hear, Tony. Looking forward to that big trailer to ward off rain and it's always a good idea to be near a genius.

I've invited a client from San Francisco to share my car there. He is taking delivery of a 997 GT3 shortly.

Who else is planning on this?

- Brian Minkin - 04-11-2007

Just told Terry we are going to this event.  Got a reservation at the falls so this is meant to be. My employees are going to kill me. Big Grin

- Tony356993 - 04-11-2007

Another RTR contingent is forming.

- Al996 - 04-13-2007

Marilyn and I are planning on being there since it looks like we will not be able to make the RTR event at The Glen.


- Tony356993 - 04-16-2007

Get them in the mail tomorrow!! Make sure they have a 4/17 postmark. We get to wait in line with everyone mailing Mr. Bush some money. Confusedhock:

- Phokaioglaukos - 04-16-2007

Absolutely. I'm sending in mine and the applications for two colleagues tomorrow by Express Mail (one is a client, so the firm pays the postage).

Tony, I hope to persuade you to instruct the client in my car (keep the car safe!).

- Tony356993 - 04-16-2007


I'd be happy to do it. Assuming we all get in to the event, email George and see what he says. I might have to show him the track a bit in your car.........just for educational purposes. Wink

- Phokaioglaukos - 04-16-2007

I'll do that, Tony, hoping we all get in. I told him that his instructor would drive the first couple of easy laps to show him the line.