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Precision Driving - Printable Version

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- Brian Minkin - 04-18-2007

They do wear helmentsCool


- michael lang - 04-18-2007

I wonder how many hours of practive those guys put in before that video was made. They definitely looked like they were all on the same page.


- Larry Herman - 04-19-2007

I wonder how many cars those guys went through before that video was made. Confusedhock:

- Tony356993 - 04-19-2007

Nice find Brian.

- Mike Andrews - 04-20-2007

Larry - any truth to the rumor that you'll be covering this in the advanced classroom discusion next weekend?

- smankow - 04-20-2007

why?  he already covered it last season

- Phokaioglaukos - 04-21-2007

Thanks for posting that link. Amazing driving.

- APXD 30 - 04-23-2007

There is a great, time saving idea, that I learned in this video.    I'm alway torn on the first morning of a DE.   Do I beat the rush to tech or swap wheels.  

These guys gave me an idea of how I can do it on line.