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Staying over Monday at SP with BMWS? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Staying over Monday at SP with BMWS? (/showthread.php?tid=491)

- Terry - 04-23-2007

Who is staying over? I'm looking for a ride back to the Philly area for my little teeny Lotus track wheels and tires. Please send me an email at terry@lefco.net if you can help. Thanks.

- Tony356993 - 04-23-2007


I can't stay even though I would like to. I guess you'll have to drive SP with street tires. Big Grin


- Phokaioglaukos - 04-24-2007

Terry, aren't you driving your 997 GT3 at Shenandoah?

- Terry - 04-24-2007

Won't be broken in.  Only 900 miles on the car to date.

- Phokaioglaukos - 04-24-2007

Terry! Hand over those keys!

(Are you keeping it under 4200 RPM through the breakin?)

- Terry - 04-24-2007

Not exactly.

- Darren - 04-24-2007

Terry -- I'll be there Monday and can bring them back, plenty of room.

- Terry - 04-26-2007

Thanks, Darren. Myles Diamond has already volunteered but if for some reason his plans change, I will appreciate your help.