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So, why don't Germans like the 996 or Boxster? - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 05-12-2007

I just got back from a week in Nürnberg and Frankfurt and I thought I'd share one observation that really stood out.

I saw lots of Porsches, but interestingly they were almost all 997s. That leads me to the thought, of where were all the 996s and Boxsters.

Of all the cars that I saw, the oldest one was a 993 (I only saw 1) and the rest were 997s and Cayennes. Do they dislike the 996 so much that they sent them all over over here, or did they crash them having fun racing? Big Grin

- bobt993 - 05-13-2007

No,  Smile.  I have done trips to Germany for the past two years to drive the Nurburgring for close course and public laps (hopefully Spa next).  Two years ago, the 996 was still everywhere, but last August, lots of 997 GT3's and TT's.  The market has no middle ground.  While Germans love their cars and put alot into owning an expensive one, there a huge disparity in the middle/upper middle income to the wealthy.  The result is that those that can afford a Porsche can pretty much afford a new one anytime they want.  If you ever make it to a German track, you will  see silly levels of machinery new and old. (how about 6 vintage GT40's rhd at Spa two years ago!!) (two Ferrari FXX's just last year).

- Wellardmac - 05-13-2007

That would explain it. It was very strange seeing all those new 911s everywhere, but no older ones.

Incidentally, the other observation I made with regard to German cars was the relative popularity of the brands.

I noted that Mercedes > BMW > Porsche in terms of numbers on the road. I was a little surprised by that also. I didn't get a feel for how Audi fit into the equation.

Another thing was that I got to see an Audi R8 up close and personal and that is quite a car that is going to give Porsche a run for it's money.


It will be interesting to see how it handles on the track but in side by side performance it's going to be quite a competitor for the Carerra... it's one mean looking car.

- Wellardmac - 05-13-2007

Hopefully I'll get another trip sometime soon and I'll be able to make it onto the track, or play on the autobahn.

Sadly, this was a crazy trip where I had all of half a day of free time to play. I was in meetings until from early until very late. I had plans to rent a Carrera and go and play, but sadly, lack of time prevented me from following through. Sad

The most fun I had was visiting the Nazi Parade grounds at Dutzendteich... now that was pretty cool... although simulanteously depressing.

- bobt993 - 05-13-2007

Fastest cars on the Autobahn were Audi's by a margin (especially in the rain).  Because gas is so outrageous, only the rich drive really fast and of course have the fast cars. We were breaking in our Bimmers last year and could only do 115mph in 6th gear (rpm limit for first 1200 miles).   Tom and I would get passed by Audi's doing 140 to 150 mph.   This even occurred in the rain!

Cool trip is to rent and travel south to Austria (Pfronten), cross into Italy and drive the Dolomites.  From there you can run back up to Leipzig/Berlin.  Easy 2 to 3 day trip.  Speed pass will let you drive the Autobahn in Austria, but we elected to use the country roads down south.   Berlin is an hour from Leipzig on the Autobahn and well worth a nights stay. 

Maybe we could organize a trip back to Europe to include the Nurburgring, Hockenheim and some touring.  One of the BMWCCA staff members was able to guarantee BMW rentals for a large group.  Might be able to do the same on Porsche cars ( or at least 3series).   The Porsche rental are very strict and have heavy pentalties over 200Kilometers a day.  They go over the entire car upon return for damage, nicks, etc.  Smile

- Wellardmac - 05-13-2007

Your comment about that Audi doesn't surprise me - although I must say that owners I know have mixed reviews with the regular run-of-the-mill Audi, so I recently decided against buying one.... I have one friend who constantly complains about squishy brakes and another about electrical problems.

I would expect the BMW to be awesome on the autobahn. In fact friends recommended I rented one of those for the reasons that you suggested.. I don't know.. I'm not a speedfreak, but it would be nice to drive a version of my car on the roads that it was designed for. I'd like to do the Treffen at some point, but that's an expense that I'll defer for a special occasion. I like the BMW trip suggestion. Smile I work with a supplier based in Austria and my contact was hopeful that I'd get to visit their facility in Austria while I was over there... he also recommended the route you mentioned and said that the roads were fun and quiet. Smile