Riesentöter Forums
100+HP/300lb Go Cart - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 100+HP/300lb Go Cart (/showthread.php?tid=514)

- jmr3 - 05-10-2007


- STEVEMCMORN - 05-10-2007


- jmr3 - 05-10-2007

Well here you go then


I assume $1200 is OK  SmileSmileSmileSmile


- Phokaioglaukos - 05-11-2007

Thunderbolt is supposed to have a kart track, too, right?

- michael lang - 05-11-2007

That thing is pretty neat. Something I would like to get my kids into. My son doesn't seem to have much interest, more of a bookworm, but my little girl, she'll be the death of me yet! Now I have to figure out how to get Shelly to say its okay. Ah, the hell with asking for permission, I'll just go straight to begging for forgiveness.