Riesentöter Forums
MAW - Post Event Chatter - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: MAW - Post Event Chatter (/showthread.php?tid=766)

- Tony356993 - 09-23-2007

Bill, Jack, Carol, Tom, Paul,Steve,Kevin and others:

Thanks for a great event and the spectacular weather.

For those that missed out on the DE, it was a fast, fun and SAFE.

For those that missed the MAW banquet, you would not believe the MAW version of karaoke? Great job Dave and the ladies on a job well done. Many pictures to follow from the banquet.


- STEVEMCMORN - 09-23-2007

Tony356993 wrote:
Quote:you would not believe the MAW version of karaoke? Great job Dave and the ladies on a job well done. Many pictures to follow from the banquet.
Forget the photos - I want a copy of the videoConfusedhock:

- Al996 - 09-23-2007

Hi all.

After giving some careful thought to the issue I have decided to make a copy of the video that Mark requested.  I will leave it up to him to decide if copies are made available.  It will not be posted here.


- Sechsgang - 09-23-2007

If its up to Mark...ittle be posted on every internet vid site he can find...with the phrase..."eat your heart out" as the caption...