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Let's race at MidAtlantic Grand Prix--pick a day and time here - Printable Version

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- smankow - 12-01-2006

Marty Kocse wrote:
Quote:By the way, my 16 year old son, Ryan, will also be in attendance - so, count both of us in on either day.
Marty, I hope that you don't let the boy beat you Big Grin

- APXD 30 - 12-01-2006

smankow wrote:
Quote:Marty Kocse wrote:
Quote:By the way, my 16 year old son, Ryan, will also be in attendance - so, count both of us in on either day.
Marty, I hope that you don't let the boy beat you Big Grin

If we choose Saturday, my wife might pass MartyWink

Also, forgot we have a Christmas Party Sat. night so I hope it's one of the mornings.

- Marty Kocse - 12-01-2006

APXD 30 wrote:
Quote:smankow wrote:
Quote:Marty Kocse wrote:
Quote:By the way, my 16 year old son, Ryan, will also be in attendance - so, count both of us in on either day.
Marty, I hope that you don't let the boy beat you Big Grin

If we choose Saturday, my wife might pass MartyWink

Also, forgot we have a Christmas Party Sat. night so I hope it's one of the mornings.
So, then I guess it's Kocse's vs. Dodd's if we have it on Sat.

- Phokaioglaukos - 12-04-2006

Looks like Sunday the 17th at 11 AM is the people's choice. The track is less busy on Sunday than Saturday, so that looks to be the best all around. Thank you for voting.

On Friday I will call the track with a head count and ask that they pencil us in. This event (which is not an official RTR event), will be for 3 heats plus membership (reduced rates for later events) at a cost of $55 per driver. Each heat is 8 minutes on track with about 2 minutes for staging on and off the track. Typically one runs one heat, takes two off, and runs the next one. The 20 minute intermission is useful to catch one's breath, talk smack, get a drink and the like. For three heats you would should allow at least 1¼ hours if we have 10 drivers. If we get more than 10 drivers the track should run our groups back to back.

If you will be there Sunday the 17th at 11 AM, please list your real name in this thread below so I can count you or, if you prefer, please e-mail me at cgkarras AT nazg DOT com. Thanks!

- Brian Minkin - 12-04-2006


Count me in at this point but I need to go see Doctor regarding a shoulder injury so I will let you know if I need to back out.


- Marty Kocse - 12-04-2006

Again, count both my son and myself in for Sunday.

- APXD 30 - 12-04-2006


Count me in.   I'll be flying solo on Sunday.   Thanks for arranging this.

-M. Schumacher (aka Josh Dodd)

- Wellardmac - 12-04-2006

[Edit: I'm going to have to pull out] Sorry. Sad

- smankow - 12-04-2006

I'm out Sad but may bum a ride down if I feel ok

- APXD 30 - 12-05-2006

smankow wrote:
Quote:I'm out Sad but may bum a ride down if I feel ok


You're on the way. Let me know if you need a lift.