08-17-2009, 05:15 PM
Western civilization (and probably Eastern as well) has a long history of blood sports, including bull baiting, bear baiting, cock fighting, dog fighting and God knows what else. And lots of gratuitous cruelty as well. And maybe Vick grew up in a culture where these things were approved. So what? He grew up, became a man, became a star, made lots of money and controlled his own life. I could accept a continued fascination with blood sports, but I can't accept or forgive his evident lust for inflicting mortal agony on helpless creatures whose only desire was to please him. Hanging? Electrocution? Killing dogs with his own hands because they hadn't fought well? For six years? And now he's past all of that? This guy doesn't deserve another chance to be a celebrity, although he does deserve another chance to become a human being. I see little difference between his behavior and that of a concentration camp guard who shoots and tortures the "sub-humans" under his control for his own amusement, just because he can.