Welcome to the administrative functions of the RTR website. This section will enable you to perform the following functions:
- Submit a News Article: This function allows you to post a news article to the site. Please make sure the title and content are exactly what you wish, because all articles will be published directly for public viewing. Please make sure to choose the correct Section and Category that is appropriate for your news. Please NEVER choose the "Post to Front Page" option as this will distort the look and feel of the front page.
- Upload a File: This website has a built in file management engine. There are certain areas of the site (i.e. Meeting Minutes) that require monthly updates. This function allows you to upload a new file to one of the pre-defined sections of the site. Before uploading, please be sure to select the appropriate Section and Category for your file.
- Add an Event to the Calendar: This website has an events calendar that allows privileges individuals to add new events to the calendar directly. Please use this function to add new events to the calendar. Be sure to select the appropriate Category for the event.
- Modify Content of Existing Pages & Articles: There is not a link on the left hand side of the page for this, however the website allows those with appropriate privileges to update content directly on the site. After logging in, you can navigate to any page on the site. You can modify the content on that page by clicking the Edit icon next to the text on the page:
NOTE: After making the desired administrative changes, PLEASE RETURN TO THE ADMIN SECTION AND LOG OUT. This will prevent unintended changes from being made to the site.
If you have any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..