Below is a partial list of auction items available to bid on at this year's MAW Banquet on Saturday night at the Ramada Inn:
- 1 week Italian Vacation! Southern Tuscany region. Accomodates up to 6 people. Must be used within the year. More info at [/*]
- 1 week Ocean City, NJ Beachfront vacation rental [/*]
- Vintage Pelikan pen with spare nib. Economy model. used in schools and for calligraphy. mint condition... Value approx. $65. ready to use [/*]
- Parker 51 Fountain pen. Aerometric filler, Cedar Blue barrel with gold filled cap. mint condition.... Value approx. $125+ [/*]
- Parker 51 Fountain pen and pencil set. demi model, vacumatic filler, cocoa brown barrels. mint condition. Value approx. $150. [/*]
- 1 YEAR NO REGISTRATION FEE AND GUARANTEED ENTRANCE TO ALL EVENTS. Tired of waiting until 12 midnight to register only to find out you've been wait listed? This is the item for you. Entrance to all events (drivers ed, auto-cross, etc.) and no registration fees. This is an offer worth over $2,000!!! Get your bids ready for Saturday night's auction-LIVE [/*]
- I'll offer a three night weekend at our lake house in the Pocono's as an auction item. Availability would be October 2007 through May 2008, outside of holidays and prior commitments. House information, pictures and availability can be seen at: [/*]
- A week at Larry Bardfeld's beach house in Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island. It would be available most weeks between November 1 and May 1. [/*]
- A commemorative wine Bottle signed by Larry Holmes is #1 of 579 !!! Holmes' agent, Mr. Jay Newman, said a bottle sold at auction last year for $1500 in New York.
We still need more items. If you have something, please email me a description and picture if possible and I will try to get it listed.