03-20-2008, 09:49 AM
Tony356993 wrote:
Quote:IMHO "arms" is the key.Tony, let me ask you, how many cars should a person be able to own? How much horsepower is enough or too much? Should we depend on the government to get us around (public transportation)? If we're worried about the death rate, motor vehicles and their operators are still responsible for more deaths and injury than firearms. The term "accident" does not apply. Most of the vehicle deaths can be attributed to careless use or controlled substance abuse. Be careful of which amendment you want to attack, one you firmly believe in could be next.
At what point is enough, enough? Do we need to have the biggest most powerful weapon because someone might carjack you or break into your home with a bigger-est more powerful-est weapon than you have? Is there a compensation issue? I'm a pretty conservative guy but this gun stuff has gone too far. I'm not sure what the solution is but the current scenario is a sad state of affairs. Does it have to be an all or nothing answer? Nice debate.