08-23-2008, 09:43 AM
I am Brian Minkin, your current RTR president and I am running for a 3[suP]rd[/suP] term as club president. I have been on the Executive Board for over 10 years having held the positions of Autocross Chair, Membership Chair and President. During these years I have brought new ideas, people and events to RTR. I have led a touring group to the Pittsburg Vintage Grand Prix. I organized the Wegmans Wine and Food Festival Porsche gathering and concours which prior to our 50[suP]th[/suP] anniversary party was the largest gathering of Porsche cars in RTR history. During my term in 2007 my team put together our 50th anniversary party and we assembled a special field of 50 display cars representing the 50 years that RTR has been a region of PCA. I started the “Not Just for New Members Breakfast Gatherings�? which continues to be a popular event. I created this Forum in 2006 as a place on the web for RTR members to share information and news. I am active in all aspects of RTR events participating in tours, rallies, autocross, social events and driver education. I am a driver education instructor and enjoy teaching high speed driving as a way of giving back the knowledge and fun RTR driver education has brought to me. I continue to assist the Autocross program with course design and setup and help the Autocross Chair operate these events. Many of the current Exec Board members have been recruited by me and I am constantly trying to get members to become involved in the leadership of our club. Although track driving is my favorite pastime with my Porsche, I am acutely aware that this is not the only activity our club that members have interest in. I have strived as president during the past two years to insure that our club offers a variety of events for all members to enjoy their Porsche ownership and club membership experience. It is my desire that these efforts make you want to renew your membership year after year. I hope I will have your support in seeking a 3[suP]rd[/suP] term as club president so I may continue to build a stronger club, offering more events for all members to enjoy.
1995 993 - Track car
1994 965 - Race car
2002 Boxster - Her car but I get to drive it
2008 Cayenne S - Her daily driver
2006 Ford F-250 crew cab diesel - Porsche Suppport Vehicle & Tow truck
1994 965 - Race car
2002 Boxster - Her car but I get to drive it
2008 Cayenne S - Her daily driver
2006 Ford F-250 crew cab diesel - Porsche Suppport Vehicle & Tow truck