09-08-2008, 04:35 PM
dmano wrote:
Agreed. They all say whatever it takes to get elected, then do as they please afterwards. It's less of case of what they say they'll do, but more of a case of understanding what they believe and are motivated by - those things will determine their actions more than their thoughts.
Quote:I have read them all and now who do I pick. They both, as all politicians, can talk all they what.
But how much action can we really expect from all the information they talk about?
They can Talk the Talk, but which one can Walk the Walk?
Agreed. They all say whatever it takes to get elected, then do as they please afterwards. It's less of case of what they say they'll do, but more of a case of understanding what they believe and are motivated by - those things will determine their actions more than their thoughts.
Well 'ard: British Slang. Very Tough. Very Good.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.