10-04-2008, 10:53 AM
To continue to address Wayne's questions to the candidates the following was submitted for the October Issue of Der Gasser.
Why should members vote for you over other candidates?
With the RTR election rapidly approaching I would like to take this last opportunity to remind the membership that I am running for a third term as RTR President and express to the membership why I believe they should cast their vote for me. I am not going to reiterate what I wrote in last months Der Gasser. I also am not going to address the issues and ideas expressed by my opponent as they are all noteworthy and as they have been in the past will be discussed and voted on by the Exec. Instead I will try to summarize my experience and list some of the initiatives I intend to undertake next year if elected.
Why do you think that you are qualified to be President?
I have passionately served on the RTR Executive Board for over 10 years as Autocross Chair, Membership Chair and President. During this time I have learned the wide range of responsibilities the Exec undertakes in their commitment to lead the club. As President I have dealt with numerous issues that adversely affected the club and brought them to positive outcomes. I have recruited members to serve on the Exec and under my guidance and leadership they have done an outstanding job bringing the membership a full schedule of events designed to meet the variety of interests of our membership. I have continued to build a good relationship with national PCA and other regions.
What do you believe are your major contributions to the club to date?
During my Presidency RTR has continued to be financially healthy and has had a balanced budget approved by the Exec. I have continually pushed to get more members involved with club activities be they new or current members and the variety of events organized by the club is testimony to this. I have tried to insure that the club communicates well with its members and have used both printed and cyber tools to accomplish this. By developing our online forum I have provided a means of members sharing their thoughts and common interests in addition to giving the exec board members a way to personally communicate with our membership.
What would you hope to achieve as President?
What would you do differently and why?
However, as successful as the last two years have been, I do not consider my job to be complete. We have an initiative to update our bylaws under way. After this is complete membership surveys and exit surveys are the next program to be implemented so we can better serve our members. I am advocating creation of Touring and Rally committees so that the huge task of designing and coordinating one of these events does not fall on only one volunteer and we can have more events in different sections of this large region. I am also advocating the creation of a membership communications coordinator to insure that the same timely information appears on the website, forum, email and Der Gasser so that members can rely on any of these for up to date information. New members need to feel welcome in the club and I pledge to start an initiative to create a new member contact committee working with the membership chair to welcome new members and answer any questions they may have.
I love this club and welcome the opportunity, if elected, to continue to lead it in 2009 with continued growth and member satisfaction. With your support and vote I hope to have the opportunity to lead RTR into a great 2009.
Brian Minkin
Current RTR President
1995 993 - Track car
1994 965 - Race car
2002 Boxster - Her car but I get to drive it
2008 Cayenne S - Her daily driver
2006 Ford F-250 crew cab diesel - Porsche Suppport Vehicle & Tow truck
1994 965 - Race car
2002 Boxster - Her car but I get to drive it
2008 Cayenne S - Her daily driver
2006 Ford F-250 crew cab diesel - Porsche Suppport Vehicle & Tow truck