10-23-2008, 02:39 AM
catchacab wrote:
I have traveled around 2/3 of this country this past year and I can tell that this whole country in every economic level , in every region is a very diverse group. It's what makes this country what it is. When the Obama campaign decided on the 250K ( pre bailout) it's how they got their proposed budget to work.
The Republicans pretty much believe in the trickle down theory. Give tax breaks to the rich and to large corporations and it will filter down to the middle class and poor. Once upon a time it really did work, however since sometime during the Regan administration this no longer took place. Companies started outsourcing jobs to other countries, the rich just wanted to be richer. The trickle down theory pretty much is now the piss on theory.
I've been running my own business for over 20 years now, first as a building contractor and now in a retail business and I can tell you first hand that the vast majority of my customers and my very best customers are and always have been people who would be termed middle class. This was especially true as a building contractor. The truly rich that I worked for ( for the most part) where the biggest PIA and by far the stingiest people that I ever worked for.
Spreading the wealth is a way to preserve the middle class. The size of the middle class is what preserves our society. By most accounts the middle class has taking a pounding the last 6 years. Wages haven't come close to the real cost of living. The GW administration has led this country down the wrong path and the McCain campaign will continue that path.
As pointed out by one of the above posters Obama really is a centralist. By all accounts he is an absolutely a brilliant, deep thinker. The speeches that come from his mouth are his, written by him. He is thought very highly overseas and is feared by terrorists, which is why there are rumors of Bin Liden making a surprise tape supporting him in the hopes of derailing Obama's candidacy.
I'm a risk taker, after the election if Obama is elected I'll be investing the majority of IRA in Ford and GM as I see great things in the not to distant future for these two companies if we have a progressive thinker in the White House. When you go to the polls in less then two weeks for once in some of your life's take a risk, live on the edge a little, get out of that comfort zone and give Obama your vote. Great things could happen if he's elected and if he fails us at the end of four years I'll be the first person on this forum to say lets throw him out and get someone else to replace him!
Quote:The top 5 percent of earners in this country is a diverse group. It is not only limited the the publicly traded corporation executive (as the democrats would like everyone to believe) but also small business owners, entrepreneurs, doctors, etc. Many earners in this "elite group" started from modest means and worked hard and long to achieve admittance to this "elite group". How are they congratulated, by being able to pay higher taxes.
Currently the average family that earns $100+K donates about 3% of their gross income to charity $500+k about 3.5% and those over $1M about 4%. So those who are better off do voluntarily help those in need.
I have traveled around 2/3 of this country this past year and I can tell that this whole country in every economic level , in every region is a very diverse group. It's what makes this country what it is. When the Obama campaign decided on the 250K ( pre bailout) it's how they got their proposed budget to work.
The Republicans pretty much believe in the trickle down theory. Give tax breaks to the rich and to large corporations and it will filter down to the middle class and poor. Once upon a time it really did work, however since sometime during the Regan administration this no longer took place. Companies started outsourcing jobs to other countries, the rich just wanted to be richer. The trickle down theory pretty much is now the piss on theory.
I've been running my own business for over 20 years now, first as a building contractor and now in a retail business and I can tell you first hand that the vast majority of my customers and my very best customers are and always have been people who would be termed middle class. This was especially true as a building contractor. The truly rich that I worked for ( for the most part) where the biggest PIA and by far the stingiest people that I ever worked for.
Spreading the wealth is a way to preserve the middle class. The size of the middle class is what preserves our society. By most accounts the middle class has taking a pounding the last 6 years. Wages haven't come close to the real cost of living. The GW administration has led this country down the wrong path and the McCain campaign will continue that path.
As pointed out by one of the above posters Obama really is a centralist. By all accounts he is an absolutely a brilliant, deep thinker. The speeches that come from his mouth are his, written by him. He is thought very highly overseas and is feared by terrorists, which is why there are rumors of Bin Liden making a surprise tape supporting him in the hopes of derailing Obama's candidacy.
I'm a risk taker, after the election if Obama is elected I'll be investing the majority of IRA in Ford and GM as I see great things in the not to distant future for these two companies if we have a progressive thinker in the White House. When you go to the polls in less then two weeks for once in some of your life's take a risk, live on the edge a little, get out of that comfort zone and give Obama your vote. Great things could happen if he's elected and if he fails us at the end of four years I'll be the first person on this forum to say lets throw him out and get someone else to replace him!
Past RTR member