Thanks Larry...Hey helped me last time this car wouldn't start....with the DME relay...years back...I am over in Green Lane, white 911.
I was told if you got a good gas smell from the exhaust, after cranking it over, the sensor was working. I also verified ohms through both sensors, checked against the Bentley manual. If the fact that you smell gas at the exhaust is true, then the spacing of the sensor is good. Has anyone heard that?
Measured coil resistance as well ... .6 to .7 primary, and 6.58k secondary. Tried the orginal coil I had on the shelf, no spark.
Changed out the dist cap and rotor with shelf spare (used before) spark.
Measured resistance on the coil wire.... ok at .2 ohms.
Out of ideas.......possible DME ignition output side????
Hoping to find someone to test with, either mine in a like car or like DME in this car before I ship it out and pay the big $$$$$
I was told if you got a good gas smell from the exhaust, after cranking it over, the sensor was working. I also verified ohms through both sensors, checked against the Bentley manual. If the fact that you smell gas at the exhaust is true, then the spacing of the sensor is good. Has anyone heard that?
Measured coil resistance as well ... .6 to .7 primary, and 6.58k secondary. Tried the orginal coil I had on the shelf, no spark.
Changed out the dist cap and rotor with shelf spare (used before) spark.
Measured resistance on the coil wire.... ok at .2 ohms.
Out of ideas.......possible DME ignition output side????
Hoping to find someone to test with, either mine in a like car or like DME in this car before I ship it out and pay the big $$$$$