12-29-2009, 01:22 PM
Hey wait a minute!!!!!!.............So you're skipping the most important AX gathering till next year, March or April? I was looking forward to BSing with all you guys and apparently you cancelled. March, April is already next season.......... and another meeting. Lets meet at the Broad Ass (I meant AX) Tavern in Blue Bell, or next door at Phil's Tavern where they have the best ribs in the region on Saturday january 9th. Stop procrastinating,....... Who's in?
Quote:The cancelled RTR AX Xmas party will be re-scheduled and re-invented as a "start of the 2010 AX season kick off party" in late March / early April.
We have our first ax subcommittee meeting at the end of Jan and will figure out dates then - more info to follow
Steve + AX team
Hey wait a minute!!!!!!.............So you're skipping the most important AX gathering till next year, March or April? I was looking forward to BSing with all you guys and apparently you cancelled. March, April is already next season.......... and another meeting. Lets meet at the Broad Ass (I meant AX) Tavern in Blue Bell, or next door at Phil's Tavern where they have the best ribs in the region on Saturday january 9th. Stop procrastinating,....... Who's in?
The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037
The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037