03-23-2010, 02:41 PM
Quote:One item not factored into the CBO projections either are the financial gymnastics that the wealthy will go through to avoid these tax increases, nullifying to a degree the very funding foundation this house of lies is built on
This current situation is not unlike any other. Once rules have been established and guidelines set, those of us that will be burdened by the increases in taxes will wisely, prudently and legally make the needed changes to nullify any increased tax burden and maintain our lifestyle. Financial planners are probably already working on avenues to help their clients keep more of their hard earned money.
Likewise, any of us in health care will make the necessary decreases in expenditures (namely payroll via outsourcing or automation) to end the year with a credible profit margin. It is simply not possible to expect the same level of care and service from a provider that is making less money. It is just common sense. Think about when we were kids and the doctor would spend as much time as necessary with you if you were ill or even come to your home if you were in need. As insurance has become the norm and reimbursements decreased, physician did what any wise business person would do - they changed. The doctor now spends far less time with each patient and nurse practitioner and physicians assistants take the load of primary care office visits - especially in the poorer neighborhoods. Why? Because the system has established the rules and the doctor has wisely worked within the parameters of the rules to run his/her business prudently.
This legislation is just bad economics. Government has shown time and time again that they cannot run/manage any operation as efficiently or cost conscious as the private sector. Why did I need a letter mailed to me a week before the census was mailed out? Were the non-stop radio and tv ads not enough? WASTE. Why did I have to get a postcard a week after the census arrived to see if I mailed it yet? WASTE. Was that postcard really going to change if I mail back my census. WASTE.
In each person's core there is either the desire for more government or less government and that is our right. Don't get me started on the cash for clunker fiasco - did we really have to destroy all those cars - with all those parts - those cars could have been GIVEN to lower income families for basic transportation. How about all those used parts that could help to keep someones work vehicle on the road?
Our country deserves it's leader to vote for the people. The damage this bill can cause IMHO far outweighs the good it is trying to achieve. We all have budgets in our lives and we enjoy the benefits of adhering to a budget or feel the pain of being overextended. Our current leaders are continuing what our last leaders started - spending far more money then they receive. Taxing more is not as simple of an answer as some may think.

Tony Scalies
'12 Boss 302
'11 GT350
'12 Boss 302
'11 GT350