08-09-2010, 11:38 AM
AMoore wrote:
Quote:Ok - local shop screwed it up? Maybe.You get what you pay for.......................
I was driving my 1984 Pointiac Fiero (hey it was only three years old and I bought it for 1500 bucks and needed transportation), suddently flames started shooting up behind me. Entire wiring harness fried. I thought it was a typical Fiero blowing up, but it turns out my local mechanic had moved the wiring harness too close to a sharp piece of aluminum when he installed a new transmission. I had to fight him to fix it for half price - (pre lawyer days). The new transmission lasted only another six months.
The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037
The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037