10-13-2010, 05:13 PM
I'm not sure what Chris is saying here. Who is the scumbag? Gordon, who is dead? His son, who is accused but not convicted? Fink, who pled guilty? The Connecticut minority businessman who basically turned over all of his work to SPI and made a lot of money for doing nothing? Really, the problem is these affirmative action programs which almost mandate cheating. The minority guy in many cases lacks the ability to perform the contract, and the programs are all set up for him to partner with an established businessman who can. Everybody knows that the established guy is going to do all, or at least the lion's share of the work, while sharing the profits with the minority contractor. The concept is that, next time, the minority guy will be able to do the job himself, but why would he want to if he can make almost as much and do little without any real risk? Obviously, SPI stepped way over the line, but they could have complied with the law and done almost as well by playing the game. But why is there a game in the first place? We are solving a social problem by prostituting the free enterprise system, and that inevitably results in cheating, inefficiencies and misallocations.