07-16-2006, 12:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2006, 03:37 AM by Mike Andrews.)
bminkin1 wrote:
Quote:Please read the following rules that have been adopted for the Riesentoter PCA Web forums. Failure to follow the rules and guidelines below may result in banning.Don't you want to relax this somewhat in off topics?????
1. No flaming: debates are ok, but responding to threads just to incite or start an argument or conflict is not permitted. Personal attacks, if hostile in nature, are not allowed.
2. No pointless threads or excessive posting allowed: keep the subject matter of an intelligent nature. Posting responses to increase your 'number of posts' is also not allowed.
3. Keep posts on topic. Similarly - keep to the topic of any given thread.
4. Cross posting is not allowed. Do not start the same thread in multiple forums.
5. Absolutely no pornographic, objectionable, or illegal material allowed. No pictures, links to pictures, discussion of porn...etc. is allowed. Objectionable material includes graphic gore, tasteless jokes, and any off-color subject matter. Such posts will be deleted, and such posts are grounds for banning.
6. No discussion of any illegal activity permitted. This not only jeoparizes RTR and PCA, it will ultimately jeopardize you! Linking to any site that deals with illegal activity is not allowed. Posting information on how to defraud a company or misuse a product or any promotion of any illegal activity will not be tolerated. Again, such posts are grounds for banning. Observe all copyright laws when posting copyrighted material.
7. Do not impersonate other people or use aliases. Only one user ID per person allowed.
8. No profanity allowed. Make every effort to express your views without resorting to trash talk.
9. Respect other's privacy: no posting of pictures, phone numbers, email addresses...etc. of another individual without their permission.
10. The decisions made by the moderators are final.
Michael Andrews