Autocross drivers forget about the snow and get ready. It is time to get your car out of storage, do all your tune ups and put on those new tires. It is time to race again. Who can dethrone the Dan, the two time reigning champ and that hot black car? Will Nick finally get over the hump and displace our champion. Can Craig hang on for a third year in third?
New Participants: Come to the March 22 kickoff and find out more about Autocross. Skill level is not an issue. Every autocross race has a novice division. Many drivers take twice as much time to navigate the course when they first start. You will get incredible support no matter your time and skill. Come to Hershey and Warminster to experience the camaraderie.
Female Alert: Maggie and Yoyi are looking for company. They will tell you about the support we give to all drivers. Come and learn more about handling your car.
Kickoff: Come and enjoy the Lehigh Valley Grand Prix at 49 South 10th Street in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The kickoff begins on March 22nd at Noon, 12 PM. Some of us plan on participating in some fun activity before the official kickoff. If you are interested, contact Trevor through his eMail: Trevor's eMail.
If you have not registered for the kickoff yet, click on: Autocross Kickoff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a perfect opportunity to meet the regulars and see what a supportive environment exists for all autocross drivers, regardless of skill level. See the details on Craig’s forum post.
2015 Autocross Cup Series
Race 1 ------- April 19 ------- Central PA PCA Hershey
Race 2 -------- May 3 -------- Philly SCCA Warminster
Race 3 ------- May 24 ------- South Jersey SCCA, Bader Field Atlantic City
Race 4 ------- June 14 ------ Lancaster Corvette Manheim
Races 5 to 10: Most clubs have not posted complete schedules, so we will update as information is available.

Dave & Maggie
94 968
77 280Z
03 TBird
89 420SEL

94 968
77 280Z
03 TBird
89 420SEL