06-14-2007, 11:03 PM
Steve, I like the way you are approaching this. I have seen alot of guys dive right in and spend a ton of cash on their car only to find out they should have gone in a different direction from the beginning. As far as what's best only the driver of the car can really determine that. Best bang for the buck for me has been in suspension. I know that can be a slippery slope so I'm being conservative in my approach, I'll do an upgrade and then get used to the modifcation. That way my car to me is much more predictable and I reap the benefit of understanding what each little upgrade has done to improve the handling of my car. Alot can be said for seat time but I also believe understanding the dynamics of one's car goes a long way as well. Best of luck to you.
89 Carrera
89 Carrera