07-01-2007, 01:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2007, 02:01 PM by STEVEMCMORN.)
2007 Riesentöter AutoX+ Roadshow
Presented by Specialty Cars of Allentown PA
Thursday 19th July - EXTRA INFO ON SESSIONS: To clarify, might have been better to say that there will be 1 session, split into 2 halfs which will be run before and after lunch rather than saying 2 sessions as that gives the impression that they can run either AM or PM only *** this is not the case***
During first part of session (starting at 10am), Group A will run while Group B Marshal for them. When group A finish, we will have 30 mins for lunch and then swap around so Groups B run whilst Group A Marshal.
GREAT NEWS!!! Ignore the latest article in this months Der Gasser, RTR's very own AutoX event is back on!!!!

Following tense negotiations between AutoX Chair, Graham and the Scanticon centre, the price is now right and we are back on! Full details below:
DATE: Sunday 22nd July 2007
WHERE: The Valley Forge Scanticon Hotel & Conference Centre, near KoP mall
Directions: - see website -- http://www.scanticonvalleyforge.com/
click transportation, then driving instructions
FORMAT: 1 x AM session & 1 x PM session - 5 runs per driver
EXTRA INFO ON SESSIONS: To clarify, might have been better to say that there will be 1 session, split into 2 halfs which will be run before and after lunch rather than saying 2 sessions as that gives the impression that they can run either AM or PM only *** this is not the case***
During first part of session (starting at 10am), Group A will run while Group B Marshal for them. When group A finish, we will have 30 mins for lunch and then swap around so Groups B run whilst Group A Marshal.
Registration & tech : 8am - 9.30am
Drivers meeting: 10.00am
Morning runs - First Car away: 10.15am
Lunch: Shortened to 30 mins - Pls bring own lunch
Afternoon runs - whenever lunch finishes
PRICE - $30 for PCA members; $35 for non-PCA members --- pls bring cash
REGISTRATION - NO pre-registration required! On the day, walk up registration only
SAFETY - you will need a Helmet which must be rated Snell 95 rated or newer, "M" or "SA." Loaner helmets will be available (although they are older and may not be snell 95 or newer.)
RTR AutoX+ PAX Championship - this event will count towards RTR's AutoX+ PAX Championship (see Forum for more details)
As this is our very own event, we would like to extend our invitation to all of your friends and family (aged 18 and over) -- particularly if they've just passed their driving test -- AutoX is a great way for new drivers to thrash their cars in a safer environment, get some of their bravado out of their system and will help them become better drivers on the open road -- spread the word!
Future events include:
Sunday 22nd JULY -- RTR PCA AutoX
Sunday 19th AUGUST -- Philly SCCA AutoX – Warminster
Sunday 23rd SEPTEMBER-- Central PCA AutoX – Hershey
SATURDAY 13th OCTOBER - Provisional date -- NNJR PCA – Giants stadium
See Y'all in 3 weeks!
Presented by Specialty Cars of Allentown PA
Thursday 19th July - EXTRA INFO ON SESSIONS: To clarify, might have been better to say that there will be 1 session, split into 2 halfs which will be run before and after lunch rather than saying 2 sessions as that gives the impression that they can run either AM or PM only *** this is not the case***
During first part of session (starting at 10am), Group A will run while Group B Marshal for them. When group A finish, we will have 30 mins for lunch and then swap around so Groups B run whilst Group A Marshal.
GREAT NEWS!!! Ignore the latest article in this months Der Gasser, RTR's very own AutoX event is back on!!!!

Following tense negotiations between AutoX Chair, Graham and the Scanticon centre, the price is now right and we are back on! Full details below:
DATE: Sunday 22nd July 2007
WHERE: The Valley Forge Scanticon Hotel & Conference Centre, near KoP mall
Directions: - see website -- http://www.scanticonvalleyforge.com/
click transportation, then driving instructions
FORMAT: 1 x AM session & 1 x PM session - 5 runs per driver
EXTRA INFO ON SESSIONS: To clarify, might have been better to say that there will be 1 session, split into 2 halfs which will be run before and after lunch rather than saying 2 sessions as that gives the impression that they can run either AM or PM only *** this is not the case***
During first part of session (starting at 10am), Group A will run while Group B Marshal for them. When group A finish, we will have 30 mins for lunch and then swap around so Groups B run whilst Group A Marshal.
Registration & tech : 8am - 9.30am
Drivers meeting: 10.00am
Morning runs - First Car away: 10.15am
Lunch: Shortened to 30 mins - Pls bring own lunch
Afternoon runs - whenever lunch finishes
PRICE - $30 for PCA members; $35 for non-PCA members --- pls bring cash
REGISTRATION - NO pre-registration required! On the day, walk up registration only
SAFETY - you will need a Helmet which must be rated Snell 95 rated or newer, "M" or "SA." Loaner helmets will be available (although they are older and may not be snell 95 or newer.)
RTR AutoX+ PAX Championship - this event will count towards RTR's AutoX+ PAX Championship (see Forum for more details)
As this is our very own event, we would like to extend our invitation to all of your friends and family (aged 18 and over) -- particularly if they've just passed their driving test -- AutoX is a great way for new drivers to thrash their cars in a safer environment, get some of their bravado out of their system and will help them become better drivers on the open road -- spread the word!
Future events include:
Sunday 22nd JULY -- RTR PCA AutoX
Sunday 19th AUGUST -- Philly SCCA AutoX – Warminster
Sunday 23rd SEPTEMBER-- Central PCA AutoX – Hershey
SATURDAY 13th OCTOBER - Provisional date -- NNJR PCA – Giants stadium
See Y'all in 3 weeks!
Stevie Mc
2010 997.2 C2S - Silver & black
SOLD -- 07 997 GT3 - white with black
For sale - 1994 Miata Chump cat 1.6
For sale --TURBO'd -- 1990 Mazda Miata 1.8 turbo - 302 rw hp
SOLD - 94 Brumos Miata SM/SSM race car#59
2010 997.2 C2S - Silver & black
SOLD -- 07 997 GT3 - white with black
For sale - 1994 Miata Chump cat 1.6
For sale --TURBO'd -- 1990 Mazda Miata 1.8 turbo - 302 rw hp
SOLD - 94 Brumos Miata SM/SSM race car#59