08-15-2007, 08:27 AM
For anyone attending the RTR DE on 8/23-24 and interested in getting a race license to for the 944 Cup, you can do sign by signing up for that Saturday and Sunday that follows. Youcan generally sit for a race license if you are signed off to run in the PCA solo groups.
If interested or have more questions, email me at cup944@aol.com or call 301-743-5948.
If interested or have more questions, email me at cup944@aol.com or call 301-743-5948.
Dave Derecola
PCA Potomac and Chessy Member
(Originally joined PCA in '60's w/Riesentoter)
PCA Potomac and Chessy Member
(Originally joined PCA in '60's w/Riesentoter)