09-02-2007, 08:28 AM
Quote:Is it the lack of promotions or the instruction? I'll argue the instruction, and the reason is that we have more instructors that really understand how to drive and can explain the nuances of each track vs teaching just the ideal line.I think you have hit the mark correctly. It is the slowness of promotion which, in turn, yields additional instruction.
I have run with Zone 1 PCA, Zone 2 PCA, Schattenbaum, Metro NY, NNJR, Potomac, Niagra, Ohio Valley, First Settlers & CVR. RTR IS fast. Generally my feeling is that there is usually a 1 to 1.5 run group difference in speeds between RTR and other groups. i.e. - a seasoned blue group RTR driver that has been solo's a bunch of times with RTR could run in the black group with NNJR w/o any problem.
I also have had to "checked out" for solo as well as one region requiring 3 check out rides (with their own instructors) to validate my national pca instructor credentials and determine if I was worthy to instruct with their region.
I agree with Darren that RTR is doing something right and that we have some good (and fast) drivers in our club.
Getting promoted should never be the goal - getting better should be.
I've taken a big step back in speed with the "new" car but I know with the proper continued instruction (wink wink Darren-Larry-Bob-Jack & others) & track time, that I will become a better driver. Maybe I can continue the great showing that RTR drivers are having (and have had) at PCA club racing.
Tony Scalies
'12 Boss 302
'11 GT350
'12 Boss 302
'11 GT350