How about a "worst student moment"?
I was at Shenandoah being coached to "carry more speed into the corners" and break a little later. I thought I was getting it REAL GOOD. I'll say t 7,8 & 9, the last three before the long back straight down to the hairpin left. I thought I'd done them extremely well and was flying.
My Instructor and I were not using a communicator.
I see him stretch his arms out straight and wave his two hands like patting the head of a dog and think "deeper deeper deeper" with his hand motions.
I think to myself, :wow I am really going fast but I can break later".
I see him do it again and think "Wow is there really this much more speed for this corner??
He does it one more time and I say to myself "F_ _ _ THAT!"; I am HARD on the breaks!
No even a thought of a turn in.
Try not to let the tires lock up and little twitch to the left. I want to ease away from the right side of the track and use more of the length into the outside of the turn.
I do it again.
I'm FINALLY slow enough to actually turn the car but I am in the marbles of the outside of the line.
The car is a bit twitchy there but we get around and I'm on the power again.
Out loud I say, "That was bad but it is behind us we'll talk later."
So we're in the paddock and start talking. I say"Sorry about that, I know you are "in charge" but I am "in control". I thought I'd got 7, 8 & nine dead on and was flying down into the break area. When I saw you reach out and motion DEEPER DEEPER DEEPER I went for it. However it was TOO FAST. I should have slowed sooner and that corner could have been a LOT nicer. When you did it again I thought you were crazy. Do you really think I could have managed that corner any deeper?
He smiles and say, "You did fine considering the circumstances. You had done 7, 8 & 9 perfect and you were carrying a LOT of momentum. A lot more that on previous laps. I wanted you to realize that so I put my hands out to signal you so you would be aware.
We then discussed hand signals for subsequent sessions.
PS: I want IN on those beers. By me one at MAW Friday :-)
I was at Shenandoah being coached to "carry more speed into the corners" and break a little later. I thought I was getting it REAL GOOD. I'll say t 7,8 & 9, the last three before the long back straight down to the hairpin left. I thought I'd done them extremely well and was flying.
My Instructor and I were not using a communicator.
I see him stretch his arms out straight and wave his two hands like patting the head of a dog and think "deeper deeper deeper" with his hand motions.
I think to myself, :wow I am really going fast but I can break later".
I see him do it again and think "Wow is there really this much more speed for this corner??
He does it one more time and I say to myself "F_ _ _ THAT!"; I am HARD on the breaks!
No even a thought of a turn in.
Try not to let the tires lock up and little twitch to the left. I want to ease away from the right side of the track and use more of the length into the outside of the turn.
I do it again.
I'm FINALLY slow enough to actually turn the car but I am in the marbles of the outside of the line.
The car is a bit twitchy there but we get around and I'm on the power again.
Out loud I say, "That was bad but it is behind us we'll talk later."
So we're in the paddock and start talking. I say"Sorry about that, I know you are "in charge" but I am "in control". I thought I'd got 7, 8 & nine dead on and was flying down into the break area. When I saw you reach out and motion DEEPER DEEPER DEEPER I went for it. However it was TOO FAST. I should have slowed sooner and that corner could have been a LOT nicer. When you did it again I thought you were crazy. Do you really think I could have managed that corner any deeper?
He smiles and say, "You did fine considering the circumstances. You had done 7, 8 & 9 perfect and you were carrying a LOT of momentum. A lot more that on previous laps. I wanted you to realize that so I put my hands out to signal you so you would be aware.
We then discussed hand signals for subsequent sessions.
PS: I want IN on those beers. By me one at MAW Friday :-)