11-07-2007, 12:32 PM
Hey Darren:
Apologize for the late reply. The nnumber of entries in the 944 Cup races varies from chapter to chapter. The MidAtlantic Chapter is the largest and for the last 3 years has been the largest race group when we have raced with NASA. The last 2 years we averaged between 19 and 22 every race. Are largest field was 40 cars this June at Summit Point.
Apologize for the late reply. The nnumber of entries in the 944 Cup races varies from chapter to chapter. The MidAtlantic Chapter is the largest and for the last 3 years has been the largest race group when we have raced with NASA. The last 2 years we averaged between 19 and 22 every race. Are largest field was 40 cars this June at Summit Point.
The Super Cup Class is open to higher horsepower cars such as the 944S, 944S2, 951s, 968, some 928s in PCA Stock E, F, and H and Prepared D, F, and G. Suspension and engines mods follow the PCA club race rules with the some minor exceptions.
Dave Derecola
PCA Potomac and Chessy Member
(Originally joined PCA in '60's w/Riesentoter)
PCA Potomac and Chessy Member
(Originally joined PCA in '60's w/Riesentoter)