The articles in der Gasser should all be quality articles, be it from a member of the exec bored (spelling not an error based on some of the exec members articles in the first issue). I commend Maureen for actually getting many of the exec bored members to submit an article to dG. If you look at other regions newsletters, the ones that stand out are the ones that combine original literature be it fiction, non-fiction, DIYs, articles about recent club activities, future club activities, histories and documentation about member's cars and restorations.
dG should excite the membership about becoming active in our club, print the articles from the exec bored that will raise the flag pole (David can fly his American Flag
) We don't need the to print the same message and information three or four times in the same issue. The better the content becomes, the more dG will be read, and the more desirable it will become for advertisers. Maybe, dG could even be profitable.
Dedicate a front page of dG to this forum to get more members involved! Advertise the forum prominently in dG. Get the dG advertisers to advertise on the website!
dG should excite the membership about becoming active in our club, print the articles from the exec bored that will raise the flag pole (David can fly his American Flag

Dedicate a front page of dG to this forum to get more members involved! Advertise the forum prominently in dG. Get the dG advertisers to advertise on the website!
friend /frɛnd/
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a perso
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a perso