04-24-2007, 08:07 PM
Many 6-point harness installations that people have run with in the past, especially before racing seats were mandatory, were not exactly correct. I've been obsessing over harness installations for a few years now, so curious to hear others' thoughts.
In many cases in the past, the anti-sub strap, in a 6-point setup, was mounted to the front seat mounting bolts, totally defeating the purpose. A main function of the anti-sub strap is to keep the lap belt in place. With the straps mounted to the front of the seat, it served to mostly pull the lap belt away from the person's hips -- very bad.
In a 5-point harness, the single anti-sub strap mainly just keeps the lap belt in place. I sure hope it doesn't keep me from submarining below the belts, I have some sensitive goods right there. Keeping the lap belt in place should stop the person from submarining though, and hopefully before the 5th point starts taking load.
In a 6-point harness is where I think there is more of a debate and more variation in the installation. I've talked to several manufacturers who have told me that the proper way to install a 6-point harness is so that you actually sit on it. The 6-point harness offers an advantage that you can't get with a 5-point, in that it prevents your hips from rotating under the lap belt. Installed properly, with the anti-sub strap installed behind the person, the 5th/6th points will loop from under the person's leg and sort of cup their hips into the seat.
And this is where I have a question -- in most cases the manufacturers seem to advocate attaching the 5th/6th points to the same mounting location as the lap belts. This of course creates a situation where a failure on one mounting location could cause 2 of the 6 points to fail. Is it considered acceptible under our rules/guidelines to have the 6 point anti-sub strap mounted to the lap belt points? Or does it have to be to seperate points, i.e. 2 eyelets in the tunnel? Where are people mounting their 5th/6th points?
The best of both worlds is of course the 7-point harness (though I've never seen one) that has 3 anti-sub straps, the 5th point from the 5 point and the 5th/6th from the 6 point. This will properly locate the lap belt and keep your hips from rotating.
I'm curious to hear anyone elses' thoughts.
In many cases in the past, the anti-sub strap, in a 6-point setup, was mounted to the front seat mounting bolts, totally defeating the purpose. A main function of the anti-sub strap is to keep the lap belt in place. With the straps mounted to the front of the seat, it served to mostly pull the lap belt away from the person's hips -- very bad.
In a 5-point harness, the single anti-sub strap mainly just keeps the lap belt in place. I sure hope it doesn't keep me from submarining below the belts, I have some sensitive goods right there. Keeping the lap belt in place should stop the person from submarining though, and hopefully before the 5th point starts taking load.
In a 6-point harness is where I think there is more of a debate and more variation in the installation. I've talked to several manufacturers who have told me that the proper way to install a 6-point harness is so that you actually sit on it. The 6-point harness offers an advantage that you can't get with a 5-point, in that it prevents your hips from rotating under the lap belt. Installed properly, with the anti-sub strap installed behind the person, the 5th/6th points will loop from under the person's leg and sort of cup their hips into the seat.
And this is where I have a question -- in most cases the manufacturers seem to advocate attaching the 5th/6th points to the same mounting location as the lap belts. This of course creates a situation where a failure on one mounting location could cause 2 of the 6 points to fail. Is it considered acceptible under our rules/guidelines to have the 6 point anti-sub strap mounted to the lap belt points? Or does it have to be to seperate points, i.e. 2 eyelets in the tunnel? Where are people mounting their 5th/6th points?
The best of both worlds is of course the 7-point harness (though I've never seen one) that has 3 anti-sub straps, the 5th point from the 5 point and the 5th/6th from the 6 point. This will properly locate the lap belt and keep your hips from rotating.
I'm curious to hear anyone elses' thoughts.