07-13-2009, 08:24 AM
I know that I should write this in the AX portion of the forum, but DE guys don't read that, and anyways I'm writing about YOU.
It was a great event that Steve organized with a few good helping hands this last weekend at Millenium Aviation in Reading. The weather was great, the company was very social, and the event went very smoothly. There was one thing missing............... The only DE track junkies that showed up were Brian Minkin and our president, Graham Knight, but they didn't even drive. I would have loved to see the track hot shoes show up and give me a challenge ( I'd like to get spanked), but mostly, to have them support the AX program as we support the DE program. It is ALL part of the same club. Hey! It is a FREE country, and you can do as you please, but I am still disappointed . :X:X:X

It was a great event that Steve organized with a few good helping hands this last weekend at Millenium Aviation in Reading. The weather was great, the company was very social, and the event went very smoothly. There was one thing missing............... The only DE track junkies that showed up were Brian Minkin and our president, Graham Knight, but they didn't even drive. I would have loved to see the track hot shoes show up and give me a challenge ( I'd like to get spanked), but mostly, to have them support the AX program as we support the DE program. It is ALL part of the same club. Hey! It is a FREE country, and you can do as you please, but I am still disappointed . :X:X:X

The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037
The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037