03-19-2008, 02:46 AM
emayer wrote:
Exactly! It makes for a big difference in quality of training and attitiude towards blue collar workers - it's not a second class or looked down upon as it can be here. It makes a huge difference in the culture.
Quote:I would only add to the preceding post that in Europe vocational education is treated with near equal social respect and academic demands to that of a University education. The impetus for rigorous and structured education in the trades can be traced to the Middle Ages and explains their advantages over the typical American worker today. It isn't that the Europeans work harder- just smarter.
Exactly! It makes for a big difference in quality of training and attitiude towards blue collar workers - it's not a second class or looked down upon as it can be here. It makes a huge difference in the culture.
Well 'ard: British Slang. Very Tough. Very Good.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.