11-05-2008, 06:21 AM
dmano wrote:
Quote:Well the sun has risen and we have a new president. I hope to God he will/can do what he proposes for our country.We are both racers and Americans. I couldn't think of a better time for you and your partners to start a new business and in particular this one. It takes balls to leave a secure position. As I pointed out in an earlier post living on the edge isn't easy, failure is always at our doorstep, but we're racers, we're use to this, we're always chasing that win, that perfect lap. For me it's what keeps life interesting, it's what makes life worth living. Good luck in your endeavor and keep those of us informed on how it is going.
I totally agree with what you said in your post. Which is not too often.
We need to get this country back on track. I believe it will take us to become energy independent for this to happen. Because of this plan I have left my job with Volvo and started an energy company. Myself and my 3 partners believe we need to do this for the future of America. We will be installing Solar PV, Solar hot water and Geo-Thermal energy systems in homes and businesses in Eastern Pa, NJ and DE. With the energy bailout from the Government and the States now is the time for this to happen. I will keep you all informed as to the tax credits and carbon credits when they become available and how to us them to lower your energy costs.
David A. Mano
Intelligent Energy
Bringing Renewable Energy
To Your Future
Past RTR member