04-15-2008, 09:48 AM
Ccns23 wrote:
Yup, you earn more and you pay more. I know I certainly pay more than my fair share in taxes and a lot more than those that sit around complaining that they pay too much.
Quote:Well ccm, you could also look at it from a different point of view. Let's say that I made $1,000,000 this year. I would be taxed at I think 35% (granted a CPA could probably hide a lot of the income, but we're trying to keep it simple). So, I would pay $350,000 in taxes. The median ($43Kish) would have a tax burden of what 15-20% (we'll say 20%) so they pay $8,600. So in effect, I would be paying the same as approximately 40 people in the median. Is that fair? I'm not saying that the rich should'nt pay their part, but I am a little tired of people complaining that they aren't paying their share. Wealthy people pay a good portion of the taxes in this country. Why doesn't anyone ever complain about the cronic welfare offenders or the people who declare bankrupcy 5 time's over.
Yup, you earn more and you pay more. I know I certainly pay more than my fair share in taxes and a lot more than those that sit around complaining that they pay too much.
Well 'ard: British Slang. Very Tough. Very Good.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.