04-15-2008, 04:17 PM
356D wrote:
Ouch! I'd be annoyed about the truck. I like the sound of the vacation time though. I wish I had that much.
Thankfully I get to go to work tomorrow so my wife can stay home. We've got problems if he's not in control of his exploding diapers by Saturday. hock:
Quote:You gotta love that. Hope they recover quickly for you. It's tough when little ones are sick and you're basically helpless to fix it... It just has to go away in time....
I usually get that task as well, since I have comptime at work and usually have a ton of time built up. Plus this year I get 8 weeks vacation due to a mess-up in the personnel department. The policy was rewritten, but it was worded very poorly and ambiguously. So the past two years I was entitled to an additional week vacation that I never got. So they added it to the four I get this year, plus I carried over two weeks from last year.... Oh how I suffer.
But I'm prepping my truck for a big meet in June at the Rockingham Dragstrip, and adding some "go-fast" goodies, and doesn't some little <expletive deleted> decide to grace me with his intelligence by scratching foul words in the doors of my Titan while I'm at the local mall getting the boy a haircut. So, it's got to go in for 3 weeks for a fresh paintjob.... and it's a BIG truck! I'm only a little miffed.....don't know if it shows....
Ouch! I'd be annoyed about the truck. I like the sound of the vacation time though. I wish I had that much.
Thankfully I get to go to work tomorrow so my wife can stay home. We've got problems if he's not in control of his exploding diapers by Saturday. hock:
Well 'ard: British Slang. Very Tough. Very Good.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.
Life is too short to travel in the slow lane.