08-09-2008, 03:02 AM
emayer wrote:
Quote:George3 wrote:Eric, the answer is yes. PSM is an aid in correcting driver error in car balance/slip angle. A simple analogy would be training wheels on a bicycle. The added balance allows more tilt while you learn balance, but cannot stop you from leaning way past the center of gravity and having a big spill. Understand Porsche is a car company that was severely slapped by their biggest market (USA) from accidents blammed on the cars demanding skill level. The newer chassis has been purposely designed to reduce this nature.Quote:No doubt about it.You touch on an important point I've been considering as well. Is it better to learn on an older (pre- PSM era) Porsche despite the fact that within a few years it is safe to say that all cars will have some form of ESP? To stretch the analogy further, I don't see anyone practicing with 60's vintage cars based on the argument that it will make them better drivers of later versions. I believe the theory that there is plenty to learn driving cars without "electronic oversight" but in the end will it make a big difference to someone driving a newer car provided they are serious about technique and listen to instruction?
That's why I'm gonna get an older 911 to practice.
You just wait.