02-02-2009, 04:43 AM
As a first-year Blue student, I have one additional bit of DE advice. -- Experience as many different tracks as you can, even "bad" tracks. Each track provides a different mix of speed, turn radius, camber, etc. that add to the student's library of experience. In my case, I have spent too much time at Watkins Glen over the past three years -- including some great sessions in the rain. I was pretty happy with my progress until I drove a smaller track in the Fall. The high speed, sweeping turns at the Glen did not prepare me at all for the bam-bam-bam demands of a series of tighter turns at BeaveRun. I stunk up the place. However, I replayed prior class sessions, mentally picked apart each corner, and things improved.
Joe Piernock, Paoli, PA
1972 914-3.2, 1974 Capri, 2013 GTI
1972 914-3.2, 1974 Capri, 2013 GTI