09-24-2009, 12:18 AM
Phokaioglaukos wrote:
Ok, it's probably time to close this thread....
Or reopen/continue it. I asked Graham if he could draft a summary, and I think he intends to. I certainly won't attempt to comprehensively do so myself here -- in my view there was much confusion, with Robert's Rules being invoked amidst all sorts of motions concerning amendments -- the executive summary is that (1) an ad hoc committee will report back on recommendations for amendments (notably including apparently inconsistent provisions concerning discounts for Exec. Board members and conflicts provisions; and elimination of the authority of the Exec. Board to adopt policies without the approval of the members), and (2) an alternative slate of candidates (including Graham and you) was nominated.
Ok, it's probably time to close this thread....
Or reopen/continue it. I asked Graham if he could draft a summary, and I think he intends to. I certainly won't attempt to comprehensively do so myself here -- in my view there was much confusion, with Robert's Rules being invoked amidst all sorts of motions concerning amendments -- the executive summary is that (1) an ad hoc committee will report back on recommendations for amendments (notably including apparently inconsistent provisions concerning discounts for Exec. Board members and conflicts provisions; and elimination of the authority of the Exec. Board to adopt policies without the approval of the members), and (2) an alternative slate of candidates (including Graham and you) was nominated.
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