11-07-2009, 04:30 AM
Darren wrote: 
Quote:larrybard wrote:Larry, it is very important what Darren is saying: NJ Law for racetracks is actually being enforced independent of the DE groups safety rules. You may not even see a police presence. They may not bother you, but whether the group is NASA, PCA, BMWCCA etc, it does not matter as the State Trooper has authority at the track to enforce his interpretation of the State code. Hope you have no issues and a great weekend. BTW, there was another such thread on Rennlist that a racer at another NJ track (oval) was inspected and told he had to wear nomex underwear regardless of the fact he had a 3-layer suit on.Quote:I started this thread because I was going to De with Schattenbaum this weekend (and indeed am in Millville at this moment), and I have my answer -- so long as I am at NJMP for DE with RTR or Schattenbaum or any other club that only requires that harnesses be no more than 5 years old I'll be fine. If I attended a NASA-sponsored DE with my current harnesses I might well have problems. Thanks, everyone (especially TwentySix).I don't know how I can answer more clearly, this all has NOTHING to do with NASA.