04-04-2010, 07:37 AM
Lainey wrote:
I've been there too. Unless you can memorize the track like an experienced autocrosser, it will take at least 2 sessions to memorize the track and know where you are at any point in time before getting up to speed. There are 24 turns with many combinations of increasing and decreasing turns, and you end up using all the gears except for 1st. The place is a country club, manicured as such and most would envy their "temporary tent" where registration and meetings take place. No garages as of yet, but for a small membership fee (ha ha!) you will be able to keep your car there, fly in, drive, and be back home for dinner.
Great track and very chalenging. I went off in the tight left hander after the long straight...... I FORGOT that it was there, I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it at the speed I was carying, so I drove it off onto the grass and back on on the other side. It actually became a short cut........... too bad I couldn't do it in an ATV.
Quote:Has anybody been up to MMC, if so, what is the track is like? I'm going up on May 20th & 21st with the Connecticut Valley PCA (DE). Comments so far - not a lot of room for run off AKA error (guard rails similar to the Glen), lots of blind off camber turns, big long course.... nice straights.
I've been there too. Unless you can memorize the track like an experienced autocrosser, it will take at least 2 sessions to memorize the track and know where you are at any point in time before getting up to speed. There are 24 turns with many combinations of increasing and decreasing turns, and you end up using all the gears except for 1st. The place is a country club, manicured as such and most would envy their "temporary tent" where registration and meetings take place. No garages as of yet, but for a small membership fee (ha ha!) you will be able to keep your car there, fly in, drive, and be back home for dinner.

Great track and very chalenging. I went off in the tight left hander after the long straight...... I FORGOT that it was there, I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it at the speed I was carying, so I drove it off onto the grass and back on on the other side. It actually became a short cut........... too bad I couldn't do it in an ATV.

The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037
The deer in the headlite
PCA DE instructor #200904037